
Tag Archives for " guitar lesson "


1400 registered users, a winner plus coffee with Ola Englund

Launching a new website is challenging and Guitar Hacks was no exception. I didn’t know how people would perceive it or if it would even be successful.

4 weeks in, we have already reached some encouraging milestones and I want to thank you for being a part of these achievements!

Since launch over 1400 users have registered. In addition, there’s been more than 4000 total video plays and over 1500 plays of “How to divide the hour video” which is the foundation for my guitar workout strategy.

Join me in congratulating Alan Woodward who has been awarded the Rock Star badge. Alan wins my Complete Guitar Workout strategy course.

Commenting and interacting with other active users is an essential part of Guitar Hacks and promotes faster, more consistent progress. For instance, Alan posted 30 great comments in less than a week providing encouragement to other users.

"I think I am going to use these to teach my kids how to build technique. My 6-year-old is showing interest (proud father moment)," said Alan.

Awesome Coffee with Ola in Copenhagen while on tour with Megadeth.

We chatted about many things including Guitar Hacks, my practice routine and teaching philosophy.

You can watch the full coffee with Ola video on youtube.

I want YOUR opinion: Tell me, what guitar lesson next?

To show my appreciation for being a founding member of our community, I would like to produce some specific content for you.

This poll has been up for a week and got lots of interesting answers already! But if you haven’t done so, please complete the poll and let me know what guitar lesson would be most valuable to you.

Many thanks, my friend!
