
Take your Guitar Skills to the Next Level with

Kiko teaches You how to practice effectively

  • build a solid foundation
  • Develop a highly motivating practice schedule
  • Learn from an actively touring musician
  • Join a community of like minded players

Get started for free

​Break your bad habits and jump start your playing:

How to divide your time

Are you feeling Stuck? Learn to structure your practice routine and guarantee progress.

Practicing a challenging song

Watch Kiko practice a difficult song and apply his tips to master your own challenging riffs or solos. 

People powered

Keep yourself accountable and get peer support from a community of like minded guitar players.



Easier to connect with my guitar

Thanks for this awesome workout!
I'm doing this for 5 days now, and I can already feel a difference in my playing.
It's much more controlled and I have more precision.
And it's easier for me, to connect with my guitar, and improvise


Bonus videos

I have not seen any teacher with this kind of involvement. Kiko you are like God to me.

Alan Woodward

After playing on and off for over 20 years and now a father of three with no time, I was starting to feel very discouraged musically, and that I wasn't reaching my goals. I would play riffs and my technique was starting to fade.

I am mostly self taught with no youtube or local teachers back in the day. Fast forward, I was at place where I didn't know where to go next - no clue. Do I just learn riffs to get good? My practices became nostalgic playing music from the 80s/90s, and I had no idea where to go next. I thought in order to improve I needed to set aside entire days to practice hard riffs like I did when I was young. It was eating away at me whenever I would see my guitars just sitting there collecting dust.

Guitar Hacks has helped me in so many ways! First off, I have learned that my journey is not all that uncommon and that everyone goes through similarities as they develop. GH helped me understand how to maximize the time I do have, to break down components (e.g. separate right hand from left /technique from riff, etc.) while celebrating small wins. This helped me rebuild the foundation! Through the set lessons, live and relatable sessions with Kiko, interacting with others, it really helped me open my mind. I now feel more confident and accepting of where I am and what I need to do to improve. With the loving support of my family, I have built a habit of practicing daily - even if it's only 30 minutes or while everyone is in bed.

I've had the biggest breakthrough with alternate picking, sweep picking, and modes. With picking, up until this course, I have never taken the time to think of the strike quality and economy of motion. Relating the sound and speed of sweep picking to alternate picking (starting slow) was mind blowing. Now I'm learning about modes and I am really taking my time to memorize and understand.

I feel like each day spent opens up doors. I am much more confident, patient, happy, and motivated to learn while on this life-long journey as a guitarist. I am not afraid to accept a struggle in my playing and own it until I can overcome. I have been able to play more challenging licks in less time. My improvisation s feel more musical!

It can feel overwhelming having so much material available for musicians today. What sets this course apart from others is that it is holistic, engaging, and continuous. Kiko's course flows very logical, it's structured and self paced, which is what I need. I have been able to correct many bad habits and design a practice routine that works! It didn't take long to start seeing results.

Kiko, Giorgo (and others), thank you so much for working on this course and the continued innovation that keeps it evolving. Kiko, I'm so appreciative of your live sessions with the opportunities to ask you questions and help others.

William M.

Wow !

Thank you a lot for this awesome training strategy.
It is my first week with your method and I surprise myself noticing improvements already.


Stagnated. I can play tabs and was learning slowly, but never got to the point to where I could feel like I could just play. Little progress, practiced a variety of areas, but never felt that I was actually moving forward. Guitar Hacks provided a more professional trainer that actually enjoys teaching, explaining things better, and in a more logical way.

I have more overall focus on the things that were either overlooked, misinformed, or just not explained well previously. If I had to pick one thing I saw most improvement on, it would be left and right hand muting.

I have zero background in music or instruments, so I am very slow to learn this stuff. But I enjoy it and I can start to see progress in my playing. Kiko is a trusted teacher who enjoys teaching and comes from a wide variety of guitar styles. He's a professional who doesn't act like a snob and cares about his students. I love having tabs to follow along off-line.

I know when I teach someone about something I know very well, I tend to assume that they will understand it like I do. Not always the case, some are slow and need step-by-step, others catch on quickly. Overall, I highly recommended this course for all levels of students.


I felt my playing was weak, with no focus: just noodling for hours without real objectives. With Guitar Hacks, I'm organized with lots of material to practice.

I saw the most improvement with alternate picking. I learned that I must organize my practice sessions to improve faster on the instrument.

I would like to see an ear training course from Kiko, that would be really appreciated!

Alan Woodward


The interactive nature of this course is great. Its refreshing knowing that others are working right alongside me to accomplish improving as a goal.


I was overwhelmed by available options on how to 'improve' my playing. With an unlimited amount of resources (books, computer programs, online classes, YouTube videos) to learn from, it becomes an unsurmountable task to identify critical components and what to focus on to improve and maintain good technique.

Kiko distilled the critical pieces into a daily practice routine. He is an amazing player and an incredible, humble and charismatic instructor.

I saw most improvement with alternate picking, strings skipping and warm ups. I no longer feel blocked by overanalyzing options.

I know technique is only one aspect to being a Guitar Player, but I feel way more motivated. The Guitar Hacks program is simple, presented by a world-class guitar player who has a knack for teaching. I want to thank Kiko and all of the team behind Guitar Hacks for making the content accessible to the public.


I've been playing for a long time and never got to a level I wanted to be playing at. It took a long time to learn new songs and I couldn't play many solos by some of the great guitarists.

Guitar Hacks breaks things into smaller steps and different exercises to get things improving slowly. It is more dynamic then most other lessons and creates more confidence in playing.

I improved the most on scales and string skipping. I feel I'm getting better and still working towards more advanced playing.

I recommend Guitar Hacks because Kiko is a great master at playing and teaching. He has a way of making things seem simpler then they actually are and his calm, warm demeanor gets the student to be less frustrated and more inclined to improve. In the future, I'd love to see an in depth lesson on getting great tones for playing live and for recording.


I was doing very poorly, with no real grasp of the fundamentals, coupled with no game plan for how or what to practice. P

Guitar Hacks provided a focus on the fundamentals, coupled with a structured lesson plan. My alternate picking definitely improved and I'm moving forward on my journey as a guitar player.

It's a well structured course and Kiko does make himself available for questions through monthly YouTube streams.

About Kiko Loureiro

Kiko has played guitar for over 25 years and has performed all over the world. He started teaching when he was just 16, and has given lectures, seminars and clinics in over 50 countries. He is co-founder of the acclaimed Brazilian heavy metal band Angra and is currently the lead guitarist of the legendary band Megadeth with which he won the "Best Metal Performance" Grammy Award for the  song "Dystopia".

Kiko is also a very experienced teacher, and throughout his career has produced five different instructional videos. Lately he released seven online courses in Portuguese, transforming the playing and musicality of over 3000 students. 

Kiko has also been an instructor as part of guitar camps from renowned musicians including Allan Holdsworth, Paul Gilbert and in 2018 was part of the lineup of the G4 experience with Joe Satriani.



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